

Olliers Solicitors – Complaints Handling Procedure 

Information for clients 

We are sorry that you have felt the need to complain about the service provided by our firm. 

Minor complaints can be addressed with the fee earner dealing with your case. 

If you are not happy with the way in which your complaint has been dealt with I have been appointed to deal with complaints.  

I am happy to deal with your complaint informally but if this is not possible a letter of complaint would be appreciated.  

Time frame

Once your complaint is received the following timescales apply:

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within four days.
  • You will receive an initial response within fourteen days.
  • You will receive a final response within eight weeks. 
  • The final response would be sooner if at all possible and may well be within the fourteen day period.  

We try to ensure that complaints are handled promptly, fairly and effectively. 

Putting things right 

If we admit an error of omission we will apologise at the earliest opportunity.  

We will explain if anything has gone wrong. 

If appropriate, redress will be offered.  

Learning from complaints 

If we make a mistake we want to learn from it and identify ways to improve the service provided.   We will tell you of any system changes made as a result of your complaint.   

Legal Ombudsman

Finally if you are not happy with the way in which your complaint has been dealt with you can complain to the Legal Ombudsman at the following address; 

Legal Ombudsman,  PO Box 6167, Slough,  SL1 0EH.

Their telephone number is 0300 555 0333.  Their e-mail address is enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk.

Their website is at www.legalombudsman.org.uk.  

Other organisations

Alternative complaints bodies exist such as the Small Claims Mediation Service. We do not agree to using Small Claims Mediation.

I can be contacted as follows;

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